One more chance to scrape the money come from marine fish farming, ie cultivation of Japanese pomfret pomfret or better known as a star in Indonesia. In Japan, as well as Taiwan, the high demand for this type of fish. This fish is popular because of nutritional content. Japan Food Research Laboratories, said, marukoban pomfret-called Japan-has the highest nutrient content of Omega 3 that is equal to 2560 milligrams per 100 grams of DHA and 390 milligrams per 100 grams for the EPA.
Japanese pomfret fish that migrate relatively high, including living in Indonesian waters. Since 7-8 years ago a few fishing businessmen from Taiwan and Japan are interested to develop fish farming which is the result of crosses between freshwater and pomfret pompano this, one businessman named whiskers Tsai.
Raising Marukoban
Tsai Japanese pomfret cultivated in the waters of Pulau Kelapa Dua is located in the Thousand Islands region. Cultivation area also includes the land area of Palm Island Two particularly for newly initiated seeding activities. As for enlargement in Keramba activity cage (KJA) located in waters off Pulau Kelapa Dua area of 8,000 square meters. According to Tsai, pomfret Japanese culture in Indonesia is not too difficult. "Because sea temperatures Indonesia fits with the Japanese pomfret habitat range 28 - 30oC," he explained.
For seeds, Tsai get it from Taiwan. The size of seeds imported pomfret at 1-3 cm with a weight of 0.2 to 0.4 grams. About 450 thousand - 500 thousand heads of seed production marukoban deployed each time (1 year), with the percentage chance of survival around 65%. Tsai, who served as President Director of PT Lucky Samudra Pratama said, the imported seed was made at the beginning of business because at that time Japan has not been able to seed pomfret produced in Indonesia. Currently, the institute is working to make Japanese pomfret hatchery in Indonesia. "The seeds of our message there is not any time available," he said.
Tsai explained every seed of the new arrivals have to get a quarantine treatment first. Quarantine treatments carried out for 1 week in quarantine tanks. The goal is that the seeds used in the new habitat. Then the fish moved to a cage measuring 50 meters with a depth of 8 meters. There are about 45 cage lined in the waters around the island of Head Two.
"Every cage is distinguished by mesh size of fish density meter with 7.5 kg per square meter for each cage," said Tsai. While the use of mesh cages according to K. Wisnu Putra, Operational Manager PT Lucky Samudra Pratama, adjusted to the size of fish. There are about 4 millimeters, 3 quarter-inch, up to adult size or ready to harvest.
Questioning feed, Vishnu said also imported from Taiwan and Japan. During the period of 1 year of maintenance, the company needs as much as 600 tons of food to approximately 500 fish seed to harvest. "Deliberately we import food from outside because the content of nutrients can result in growth and a sense of Japanese pomfret meat suit the tastes of foreign consumers, who generally want a fillet products (meat without bones) and sashimi (fresh meat)," explained the man who did not want to divulge the price their feed.
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